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Tag: Homeowners Insurance

Do I Need More Homeowners Coverage After Renovating?

Do I Need More Homeowners Coverage After Renovating?

Renovations can add substantial value to your home. Adding on a front porch, putting in a swimming pool, remodeling your kitchen, and other improvements can not only make your home more pleasant and comfortable to live in, but also increase its market value. After a remodeling project, it is vital to reevaluate your homeowners policy and ensure you have the right coverage at the best...

Understanding The Liability Portion Of Homeowners Insurance

Understanding The Liability Portion Of Homeowners Insurance

Generally, homeowners insurance is designed to help repair or replace your home and belongings if they are damaged by certain covered perils, such as fire or theft. Most homeowners policies also provide liability coverage in case a visitor is injured on your premises, or you accidentally damage another person’s property. You may also add a personal umbrella policy – a type of insurance that provides...